The Automatic Theatre is a temporary collective of artists, who have jointly developed a one off evening of performance at .HBC.
The performance will be a collage of single contributions as well as collaborations between the participating artists. All parts will be structured to a continuation of scenes. They will remain autonomous in content and style, such as narration, costumes, stage design and music. Together they will tell a fragmented story, readable only in retrospect.
The concept for the show was inspired by strategies such as "L'écriture automatique" (DADA / Surrealism), which aim at replacing fictive storytelling by following immediate ideas. It is believed to achieve high authenticity, with the side effect of high absurdity.
The Automatic Theatre – A Performance is the second collective performance of it’s kind. It follows Fever of Unknown Origin. An incorrigible Opera, staged at Basso Berlin in July 2009. Both projects were initiatives of the artist Lisa Jugert.
Das Automatische Theater sind / The Automatic Theatre are
Katie Conxita, Raul De Nieves, Tatiana Echeverri Fernandez, Justine Electra, Linda Franke, Tina Franke, Hook Hagenie, Beatrice Jugert, Lisa Jugert, Yana K.M, Katja Kollowa, Grit Lindau, Caroline Meyer-Picard, Anna Mields, Karl Mields, Reinhard Mields, Maximilian Moll and friends